If you're wondering what got me thinking about blogging again, wonder no more.
As I approach this year's biggest riding milestone, working to make myself train enough and to keep my mind in the right place I've been thinking much about limitations, and the acceptance of them.
Team Velveeta™, the ongoing story of an athlete of limited talent. And now, one whose time and energy for training is constrained in addition to his physical limits.
For a goofball like myself, finishing the Vapor Trail 125 is a problem to be solved with the brain as much as it is a problem at which to throw brute force endurance. If I set an expression of grim determination on my face and grind away like satan is chasing me, I will almost certainly fail. I've learned and forgotten this lesson several times. But I really want to solve this one. I've got to keep that lesson up there, even when things get weird with pain, oxygen debt, and low blood sugar.
Stay loose. Eat enough. Keep your head. Keep moving, but don't move in desperation. Be appreciative of the fact that you can do this stuff at all. It's a miracle--as are the surroundings.

The start of this trail marks the last 15 minutes of the first climb to the Continental Divide. On this year's course, with the 10 PM start, if I'm on the pace I need to finish I'll be mounting this climb in complete darkness.
Watch the action of the 2010 Vapor Trail 125 from a satellite's-eye view at trackleaders.com. Starts at 10 PM Saturday, Mountain Daylight Time. 11 PM Central.
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