OK, enought lament for how lame my blog has become. On to a bit of actual content. Utah!
My sweetie and I took off Saturday, made it into the Mineral Bottom/Mineral Canyon junction by evening. The next morning we rode out toward Candlestick camp.

So nice to be back in the tall, vertical country. Soothing. Puny, small humans among big land.
We did some riding and some hiking. Lots of long views out over the maze of canyons and mesas with the Henry Mountains in the background.

Grandview Point on Monday.

Green River Overlook just after sunrise Tuesday.

Me happily riding the Sovereign Trail later on Tuesday.

Looking up from a canyon bottom on a hike Wednesday morning before driving back to Salida.
Nice trip. Perfect weather. Wish we'd had longer.
Looks nice Tom. I like pic #1.
We may be in Salida-town this weekend!
Ah yes, Souther UT fixes what ails us mtn dwellers in the spring. Nice pics.
Beautiful views Tom.
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