Of course, it snowed bloody hell from dawn until about 9:30 Saturday. But Ed and Jen made it. And by the time they got here, things were actually looking OK. So we jumped up and rode Cottonwood. It was cold, and it snowed hard on us a few times, but we had a great time.
We had a nice dinner at the First Street Cafe Saturday night after watching Jen's old friend Rich jam at a restaurant that just opened, the Purple Sage during the afternoon. The show was cut short by a raging snow squall.
Sunday morning looked perfect. The forecast called for continued crappy, but here's what Mt Ouray and Mt Chipeta looked like from the bikey compound just after dawn:

We climbed up to the top of the barbed wire trail, as the snow got really pretty heavy, on a road constructed entirely of semi-frozen chocolate pudding. MMMmmmm, chocolate.

Jen and old friend Rich

Anton on the Famous Bicycle™ (recognized that, Dirt Rag Fans?)

Ed rockin' his Ericksen down into Cottonwood

Prettiest smile of the day on Jen's face

Steph is goin' for it!

Andrew motos around a sweeper

Ed getting his groove on

Rich rockin down Cottonwood
As you can see, lots of smiling and good times being had here. And me? I rode two good hard days. Is my back/neck perfect? Nossir, it is not. Am I able to ride and have fun. Hell yeah! Did the weather ruin the weekend, nossir, it did not.
Just goes to show you. It isn't a lost cause until you've lost interest in it. This weekend was one of the best of my year so far. Thanks Ed and Jen for coming up! Good luck at KTR in a few weeks!
Totally awesome and fun weekend Tom, Rich, Becky, Anton, Amber, Andrew and Stephanie. Jeny and I had a great time!
And of course Absolute and Scoty came through in a big way too. One of these days I'll make it down there on a day Scoty is off of work so we can ride.
I may borrow one of your pics Tom, the one of me getting my groove on :-)
See you all later -
I am so glad you and Jeny came to Salida this weekend. It really made my weekend. Thanks for ignoring me when I told you that maybe you should bag it and come up some other time!
Borrow that image. If it makes you famous, mention me to someone really famous and hot--tell her about my appliance ;)
Wow. It's really that Beautiful Coconino Cruiser. Too funny because I was just reading that article this AM (I dole out my Dirt Rag in Small doses least I get over stimulated). I was wondering where that beauty ended up. Glad to see it's getting ridden and given a real life!
Nick V.
Nice! way cool pictures Tom!
I'll have to get down your way very soon!
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